The Residents


Evy (rhymes with heavy) has been wanting to live with children in community for as long as they can remember. They really enjoy thinking about how people interact with others and themselves, which has led them to things like non-monogamy and spending six months reading a selection of writings on community houses and the bay area co-op scene. After moving to San Francisco in 2018, they ended a 12-year streak of choral singing, and really miss the feeling of their body resonating in harmony with other bodies. They love writing (much of it posted on, lists, creating amateur art, challenging binaries, spreadsheets, hugs, talking about feelings, and being very silly.


Ping joined The Village after many years of living in co-ops in the East Bay, including the Berkeley Student Cooperative system. He is often excited about democracy, humanitarian relief, nonviolent communication, paragliding, crow intelligence, interactive art, public transportation, shenanigans, spreadsheets, travel, languages, and music theory.


Ana loves walks with friends in rain or shine, reading, biking with Ilio in tow despite the humiliation of trying to make it up a hill, brewing ginger-based concoctions, and adventures with friends.


Ilio (4yo) is secretly a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Don’t tell anyone.


Cristina is a bibliophile with a passion for understanding the brain, other humans and what it means to live a good life. It's her first time at the rodeo of community living and is excited to learn from the experience. Her favorite things include making others laugh, long hugs, and hanging out in the golden gate park.


Alex is a nerdy, silly, vegan data scientist who cares about effective altruism and contributing positively to the world. He loves deep conversations, loooong strategy board games (the longer and more complicated the better, really), talking philosophy, and considers himself a “quiet extravert”. He hangs out a lot at The Center and The Commons, and is down to eat almost any vegan dessert you hand him.


Yevgeny (yev-GHEH-knee) likes to wear many metaphorical hats in addition to physical ones. Some of his favorites include: Physicist, engineer, Irish dancer, cyclist, psychodynamic & somatic counselor, cuddler, astronomer, nonmonogamous partner, vegan, pilot, musician, photographer, and dad-joke-no-one-asked-for vending machine. When he’s not chin-deep in equations or bringing transistors to life in his mysterious mad science dungeon, he looks for ways to deepen connections between humans. He feels happiest gathering people together to co-create and is genetically unable to go more than 5 minutes without saying something silly. If you ever hear baroque music coming out the back of a bike, wave and say hello!


Rox loves to dance, cook, cuddle with with cats and dogs, and go down rabbit holes learning about new things. She’s lived in SF for over a decade and grew up in the North Bay but considers the world her home. Mama to 11 year old Saoirse (human) and 2 year old Albus (catto).


Saoirse is an 11 year old who likes to make art (see her masterpiece of her mom to the left), hang out with friends, read, dance, watch 2000s TV shows, and look at cat memes. Her favorite neighborhood activity is walking with housemates to the bodega to get snacks.


Toshi is a 4-year old goldendoodle who loves playing fetch, belly scratches, and befriending kids.


Albus (like Dumbledore) is an almost 2 year old Maine Coon who revels in his majesty. He loves humans who give him attention and treats and has big goals for 2024 and lives by the motto ‘if it fits, it sits’.

Paloma loves living with others and dreams of building a sustainable, abolitionist homestead with her friends someday. She's happiest when laying in the sun, dancing to live music, making pottery, and protesting for a better world <3


Derek is a recovering digital nomad, having traveled and worked from 30+ countries. He’s done multiple meditation retreats, and often thinks about the far future of humanity (among other philosophical thoughts).


Anna loves art, growing plants, hiking, design and deep connections with others. She runs her own creative e-commerce company here in SF. She did not live communally until her mid 30’s. After many lonely years of chasing the dream of “having her own place,” she has finally embraced communal living, and is much happier as a result!


Becca loves channeling the cosmos through her ecstatic dances. She can often be found eating castelvetrano olives and teaching mathematics.

the following bios were drafted by a silly human and are awaiting verification from housemates


Sam can play just about any drum solo on a set of porcelain plates, but often only once.


Andrew (5yo) has been noted in local papers for having rescued a fireman from a burning building twice.

Arthur (5yo) is a world champion sumo wrestler, who combines bachata moves into his practice.